Ninth Specimen

Superfast Green Leaf

Superfast Green Leaf and Vertical Drag

5ft Discovery and no less remarkable


Yesterday, October 10, 2019, is the date during the period of pollination and flowering of the Algarrobo tree that is next to Noorhn’s rock, when another new intraterrestrial species appears, as you will see in the video, that I call ‘Superfast Vertical Drag Green Leaf’.


Laying on the ground, in the same position and without movement for 22 days, she is 4 to 5 cm long and less than 1 cm wide; she leaves slowly and then gathers great speed on the floor of the rock. I did not know about her, since I have just discovered that she comes outside because with the pollination of these small flowers, she is confused in this landscape full of vegetation. It is a windless day. Good. What does she tell us, being the only species that has color – green?


That her ancestors lived with predators who they tricked by disguising themselves to look like the surrounding vegetation and in this way went unnoticed, just as happened to me until today. And it is quite obvious that this habitat is fed by a sun.


There is a high percentage of true certainty, up to 50%, and I have already stated this in another of my works, that imaginatively this is the composition of the center of the planet, with a small sun down below which together with the new continent of the Kingdom of Noohrn turns as a reproduction of that which is our exterior.


This should not surprise us, because it gives shape to the hypothesis that the center of the earth is a cauldron.


Full Screen Video: 1 hour in length